

Patent Granted

  • Name of the Patenter : Dr. N. Narmadha
    Department : Computer Science
    Design Number : 6302086
    Title of the Invention :AI Based Wearable Apparatus to Monitor Physiological Parameters of Old age People
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 06 September 2023
  • Name of the Patenter : Dr. N. Narmadha
    Department : Computer Science
    Patent Number: 2021104159
    Title of the Invention : A System and Method for Predicting Readmission Risk of Patients
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 15 July 2021

Patent Published

  • Name of the Patenters : Dr.T.Elakkiya & Dr.S.Anbuselvi
    Department : Chemistry
    Patent Number: 202241039791A
    Title of the Invention : “Treatment of rats with Staphylococcus aureus using Moxifloxacin and Dexamethasone in combination”
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 22 July 2022
  • Name of the Patenters : Dr. S.D.K. Shri Devi
    Department : Botany
    Patent Number: 202241050699
    Title of the Invention : “Artificial Intelligence based approach to analyze the therapeutic effect of drugs that are obtained from marine in the treatment of cancer”
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 16 September 2022
  • Name of the Patenters : K.Poongodi
    Department : Library
    Patent Number: 202241054447
    Title of the Invention : “The Artificial Intelligence Robot’s Contribution to the Advancement of Library Resources and Services”
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 14 OCtober 2022
  • Name of the Patenters : Dr.T.Elakkiya & Dr.S.Anbuselvi
    Department : Chemistry
    Patent Number: 202241039791
    Title of the Invention : “Treatment of rats with Staphylococcus aureus using Moxifloxacin and Dexamethasone in combination”
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 22 July 2022
  • Name of the Patenter : Dr. R. Mathammmal
    Department : Physics
    Application Number: 202141057192 A
    Title of the Invention : Experimental Measurements of Heat Dissipation During Liquid for Acoustic Devices
    Publication Date : 04/02/2022
  • Name of the Patenter : Dr. N. Narmadha
    Department : Computer Science
    Application Number: 202141061895 A
    Title of the Invention : Artificial Intelligence based Video surveillance System using Open CV and Deep Learning
    Publication Date : 07/01/2022

Copyright Details

  • Name of the Patenter : Department of Home Science
                                             Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Salem - 16
    Department : Home Science
    ISBN Number: 978-93-80800-87-5
    Title of the Patent : Book - Human Wellness - A Holistic Approach
    Year of Award of Patent : 2018
  • Name of the Patenter : Dr.B.Amudhambigai
    Department : Mathematics
    ISBN Number: 978-3-659-92322-7
    Title of the Patent : Book - Smooth Fuzzy Topological Spaces
    Date of the Award of the Patent : 15.03.2019